We Need Your Help!
The Headwaters Chapter of Trout Unlimited is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves northeastern lower Michigan. We have been a 100% volunteer-run organization since our chapter was founded in 1978. Our Board of Directors, the leaders of our various projects, educational programs and community outreach are all motivated by giving back to nature and the beautiful rivers in which our trout reside. Getting involved feels good, valuable experience is gained, and it’s a great way to meet new friends.
There are various “levels” of volunteer needed.
- If you are interested in getting wet or involved in a habitat conservation project, check our Calendar of Events. We list our upcoming projects, and increasingly, we will also be listing the projects of other conservation organization projects in our area. Check back from time to time as the list will likely be dynamic as new projects are posted.
- The Headwaters TU Board has several Committees that plan the activities Headwaters TU will organize each year. Conservation and Education are typically the most active. The full list is shown under the Board of Directors tab. If any of these are of interest, use the “Contact Us” tab on the front page. Or call one of the individuals listed.
- If you are interested in organizing events, we can help you develop this valuable skill. Our events range from smallish (i.e. book groups) to our annual banquet, and you would work collaboratively our event organizer – at least to start. Our social media resources are also available in support. Please use the “Contact Us” tab to indicate your interest and/or which event you would like to help organize. And, if you know someone that might be interested, please send them our way!
- Board of Directors
We periodically have open seats on our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of at least six Directors, who are responsible for general supervision of the Chapter’s affairs and finances. This is a three year term. Officers are selected from the Board and elected by the general membership.
The Headwaters TU Board serves to prioritize and guide our conservation, education and outreach efforts, and to support the fundraising needed for these endeavors.